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  5. How To Use Optin Cat Form Effects

How To Use Optin Cat Form Effects

Optin Cat Form Effects lets you draw more attention to your Popups, Optin Bars, and Slide Ins. It also makes your website appear a lot more professional.

Before you begin:
Form Effects
are only available with an Elite License of Optin Cat. Head here for details, or to purchase.


1. Go to your Dashboard -> Optin Cat -> PowerUps

2. Click the Effects checkbox to enable the feature on your Optin Cat forms.


3. Go to your Optin Cat Popup, Optin Bar, or Slide in or Create a new form.

4. Scroll down to the PowerUps section and select your desired animation.

A short text will display to demo the animation style that will be applied to your form.


5. Save your changes by clicking the Save button at the top/bottom of the form editor.

6. View your webpage that has your Popup form to see the animation displayed.


That’s all there is to choosing a great Form Effect with Optin Cat.

If you still need assistance with this or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at fatcatapps.com/support/.

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