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  5. How To Use the Optin Cat Success Cookie

How To Use the Optin Cat Success Cookie

Optin Cat 2.0 comes with a new feature that enables you to disable your pop ups, and similar forms, for those who have successfully subscribed to your lists with them.

It’s called the Success Cookie. In short, what this means is that your subscribed viewers will not be repeatedly pestered by the same pop ups. It’s a great way to make your site more visitor friendly for your faithful viewers while making sure you get your conversions.

Before you begin
The success cookie is available to free and premium users of Optin Cat.

When enabled, a cookie is added to the browser of any user who successfully subscribes with that form. The cookie will then prevent that form from appearing again for a set amount of time. You can customize the length of time in the targeting options for your forms, and cookies can be set for up to one year.


  • All form cookies are set to 365 days by default.
  • Currently, the cookie is form specific, and will only prevent the same form used from appearing again.
  • Leaving the Success Cookie Duration field empty will cause the cookie to last until the user’s session has ended.
  • This is a first party cookie, and should not be blocked by most ad-blockers, or security software.

And that’s all there is to using the Optin Cat Success Cookie.

If you still need assistance with this or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at fatcatapps.com/support/.

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