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  5. How To Use Optin Cat’s ‘Thank You’ Features

How To Use Optin Cat’s ‘Thank You’ Features

Optin Cat comes with 2 different choices for your forms verification methods. These are used upon a successful subscription, and to provide any additional details (like instructions on checking for a confirmation email, or download).

Before you begin:
This feature is available to both free and premium users of Optin Cat.

Option 1: Display Immediately

In the optin form editor, under ‘Thank You Message’, select ‘Display Immediately. This will enable the Thank You feature which displays on form, without page reload or redirect.

Then just customize the text that will be displayed to viewers upon subscription.


Once you’ve set up AJAX Thank You, your users will see something like this.


Option 2: Redirect

Switch the toggle to ‘Redirect’ If you’d like to use your own custom thank you page. You can redirect to a page on your site or use a URL.

This is a great way to show your appreciation and provide your subscribers with some more details on what they will be receiving.

And that’s all there is to choosing a Thank You feature in Optin Cat.

If you still need assistance with this or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at fatcatapps.com/support/.

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