Exit intervention popups are triggered when your visitor is about to close the current page he’s on. It’s a great...
About Comment Optins: Comment Optins are a really powerful tool to increase subscriptions. They give your viewers the opportunity to subscribe...
Optin Cat comes with 2 different choices for your forms verification methods. These are used upon a successful subscription, and...
Optin Cat Form Effects lets you draw more attention to your Popups, Optin Bars, and Slide Ins. It also makes...
This feature lets you set up & send emails containing “Optin Baits”, “Content Upgrades” straight from WordPress. Before you begin:...
Content upgrades are offers you use to entice viewers into subscribing. A free download or PDF that is instantly shared,...
Optin Cat 2.0 comes with a new feature that enables you to disable your pop ups, and similar forms, for...
You can enable the ability to add your own custom CSS directly into Optin Cat. Using this to make your...
Pixel Cat now integrates with all our other amazing Fatcat Apps products. Before you begin: Both free and premium versions...
These features are available to free and premium users. Please review: The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is an important...