How to Track My Landing Pages with Google Analytics

Landing Page Cat‘ comes with built-in integrations to enable easy tracking of your landing pages.

Before you begin:
The Google Analytics integration is only available with Landing Page Cat Premium. If you are interested in purchasing head Here.

Enabling Tracking

We’ve integrated with both ‘Analytics Cat‘ and ‘Google Analytics by MonsterInsights‘ for your tracking needs. Make sure you already have one of these plugins installed and setup. Analytics Cat is our own super sleek free plugin, available forĀ download here, and learn how to set up ‘Analytics Cat‘ here.

Once either plugin is set up, all you have to do to enable tracking is head to the ‘Configuration‘ tab for your page, and turn it on.

Technical Details

How the tracking works, and what events we send.

When tracking is enabled, our plugin adds the following on click events to your pages buttons, based on the ‘Call to Action‘ you are using.

Email Optin:

ga('send', 'event', 'Landing Page', 'Email Optin', landingPageCatData.page_title)


ga('send', 'event', 'Landing Page', 'Button Click', landingPageCatData.page_title)

And that’s all there is to our Google Analytics integration.

If you still need assistance with this, or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at

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