Analytics Cat Quick Start Guide


Getting started with Analytics Cat – Google Analytics Made Easy takes only minutes.

Getting Started:

1. After installing this plugin, simply go to Settings -> Google Analytics Manager and add your Google Analytics Tracking ID. (Scroll down for more on your Analytics Tracking ID.)


2. Next just choose what user roles you don’t want tracking enabled for, so that you don’t pollute your data.

3. Hit save and your tracking will be enabled.

That’s all it takes to set up your Google Analytics Universal tracking.

What is my Google Analytics tracking ID?

1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account

2. On the bottom left side of the screen, click on “Admin” (Cog icon).

3. Select your preferred Account and Property from the columns.

4. Under Property, Click ‘Tracking Info’ > ‘Tracking Code’

5. You will find your Tracking ID here (example: UA-xxxxxx-01)

6. Paste this Tracking ID into Analytics Cat

Important: Do not paste your tracking code (starting with <script>).  Instead, paste your tracking id (example: UA-xxxxxx-01) into Analytics Cat.

Help, I still have questions!

If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please contact us via the support forums for our product here.