How To Use HTML Tags With The Legacy Table Builder

We’ve included a filter, that enables most HTML tags to be used in Easy Pricing Tables. Use this filter to change the elements with your table. Using this filter will allow you to make changes permanent, and apply to all tables.

Before you begin:
This method will work for all free and premium customers.

Using the HTML WordPress filter:

If you want to add HTML tags to your tables use our filters.

Don’t know how to code? That’s OK, we’ve done all the hard work for you! Just use our code as is.

For the code to work, you will need to access your Website via FTP, and paste the code into the bottom of the functions.php file located inside your theme. This is usually found under wp-content/themes/my-cool-theme. Your web hosting provider should be able to help out with this part if you are unsure how to proceed.

Once your code is saved in the functions.php file of your theme, it will take effect immediately.


function fca_ept_frontend_filter( $array ) {

	$array['code'] = array();
	$array['a'] = array();
	$array['href'] = array();
	$array['title'] = array();
	$array['target'] = array();
	$array['abbr'] = array();
	$array['acronym'] = array();
	$array['pre'] = array();
	$array['em'] = array();
	$array['strong'] = array();
	$array['div'] = array();
	$array['p'] = array();
	$array['ul'] = array();
	$array['ol'] = array();
	$array['li'] = array();
	$array['h1'] = array();
	$array['img'] = array();
	$array['img'] = array(
			'src'   => array(),
			'class' => array(),
			'alt'   => array(),
	return $array;

add_filter( 'fca_ept_allowed_tags', 'fca_ept_frontend_filter' );

Need assistance with this or anything else? Feel free to contact our support team at

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