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  5. How To Build a ‘Weighted Answers’ quiz with Quiz Cat

How To Build a ‘Weighted Answers’ quiz with Quiz Cat

Weighted Answers are used to assign points to each answer. The more points someone scores, the higher their result. These quizzes can be set up in a variety of ways, for many purposes.

Results can appear at the end of the quiz, or be redirected to another URL.  In this article, we go over setting up a Weighted Answers quiz.

Before you begin:
This feature is available only with a Quiz Cat Business, or Elite, license. Head here if you have questions about features available to you.



1. In your WordPress dashboard, you’ll see an option for Quiz Cat on the side. You will go here to add or edit your quizzes.

2. Click ‘Add New’ and select ‘Weighted Answers’ to begin. You’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:


3. Add a title for your quiz and use the description field to give your viewers any relevant details on your quiz. You can also add an image for your quiz title:


5. Then begin making your individual questions:

(a) Add a Question.

(b) Add your Answers. One right and at least one wrong and then assign them different points depending on your needs.


  • You can have as many questions, and answers, as you’d like by clicking the “+ Add” button.
  • You can add images to the answers, or use the images for answers!
  • You may reorder your questions by dragging and dropping them, or have them displayed in a random order.


6. Now set up your results.

(a) Select how many different results you would like by clicking the “+ Add” button.

(b) Choose what to be displayed for each result.



  • You can add a title, image, and description to each individual result.
  • You can use as many results as you have questions.
  • If you have less, it will create averages for you (eg: 5 questions w/ 2 results, will provide a 0-2, and a 3-5 category)

7. Now choose your settings. You can:

  • View your quiz’s shortcode.
  • Disable auto scrolling
  • Results Redirect
  • Shuffle Question Order
  • Show “Restart Quiz” Button

8. Now you can move to the “Appearance” tab and adjust the colors and other areas of your quiz.


9. Make sure to save your quiz. Now all that’s left for you to do is deploy your quiz!

Just paste the shortcode for your quiz into a shortcode block on any page or post where you’d like it.


Be sure to save the post, and you’re done.

That’s all there is to creating ‘Weighted Answers’ quizzes with Quiz Cat.

If you still need assistance with this or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at fatcatapps.com/support/.

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