Content Upgrades: Get up to 785% more subscribers with our cutting-edge “Content Upgrade” technology

As a blogger or content marketer, Content Upgrades are the best way to massively grow your list. Period. Optin Cat makes it incredibly easy to add Content Upgrades to your WordPress site.

Intrigued by such a bold statement? Read on…

What is a Content Upgrade?

A content upgrade is a hyper-targeted resource (ebook, spreadsheet, PDF, etc..) that you give away on one individual post.

Let’s say you want to give away a business dashboard spreadsheet template on your post called “How to build business dashboards with Google Spreadsheets”.

You give away that resource (the content upgrade) by placing a “Free Download” button at the bottom of your post. Once your visitor clicks “Free Download” they’ll be presented with an optin form.

In order to get the free download, your visitor now has to enter his email address. This is called a Content Upgrade.

Curious? Here are some ideas of how you can use Content Upgrades to grow your business.

Why are Content Upgrades so effective?

Content Upgrades work ridiculously well, in particular if you produce high quality, in-depth content.

To cycle back to our previous example – if you just read a post on “How to build business dashboards with Google Spreadsheets”, wouldn’t you be willing to give away your email in exchange for a template that could save you hours of work? I thought so.

Or what if you just read a long post on WordPress SEO? Wouldn’t you want to get a 1-page checklist that makes optimizing your site easier? Definitely worth it in exchange for your email, right?

These kind of high quality content upgrades will bring you incredible results – that’s where the 785% more optins claim from above comes from. While it takes some time to add content upgrades to your site, think about it this way:

You probably already spend hours on each blog post you publish. Why not spend an extra 20 minutes on creating a content upgrade that will ensure your post will get a much higher return?

How to Build Content Upgrades with Optin Cat?

Optin Cat makes building Content Upgrades using WordPress a breeze. First, build a Two-Step Optin. Customize your form using our simple point & click editor and add a headline and a description.

Next, set up your Content Upgrade. The easiest way to do so is to use our own Optin Bait Delivery feature. Using Optin Bait Delivery, you can send “thank you emails” that contain download links to your optin baits straight from your WordPress admin – it’s that simple.

If you’re using advanced marketing automation software, such as Drip or Active Campaign, you could instead tag people who opt into your form, eg “Content Upgrade – Business Dashboard Spreadsheet”. (Optin Cat supports tagging for all supported marketing automation providers.) You can then set up some marketing automation to make sure your new subscribers get the correct content upgrade.

Optin Cat makes adding Content Upgrades to WordPress super easy. Ready to drastically boost your email list using Content Upgrades? Get Optin Cat.