How To Enable Explanations

Quiz Cat tests have an explanation feature that can be activated, to provide additional details about your correct answer.

Before you begin:
The Explanations feature is available to all Quiz Cat Premium customers. Head here if you’d like to purchase

This simple feature can add a lot of depth to your tests. Whether a traditional test of knowledge or a fun quiz, you can use this feature to enable an explanation of why the correct answer was the right choice.

Using Explanations:

To begin using this feature, head to the 2.Questions tab for your test, and turn ‘Enable Explanations’ to Yes. You must also have ‘Show Correct Answer’ set to After Question or End of Quiz.


Now, under each Question’s correct answer you will find an optional Explanation field:


These Explanations will appear to users anytime the correct answer is shown to them, right or wrong:

That’s all there is to adding explanations to your quizzes.

If you still need assistance with this or anything else regarding our plugins please feel free to contact our support at

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